[The pendulum and the overcomer]You can use the Uigyeong Daewon through an outing pass.The number of passes required for each operator is different. -General Operator: It requires 1 outing pass and is the most basic unit. -Shield Crew: Requires 2 outing passes and is a little more powerful than a general doctor. -Capsaicin Operator: Requires 5 outing passes and can attack from a distance. -Fire Extinguisher Crew: Increases the attack power of nearby policemen, but cannot attack by itself. -Chae Jeung Crew: It lowers the attack power of nearby protesters, but cannot attack by itself. -Water Cannon: Requires 10 outing passes and has a long cooldown.In easy mode, both the policemen and protesters start with 75 goods.In hard mode, the police start with 80 goods and the protesters 120.The time limit is 3 minutes, and if you do not finish within this time, the buildings remaining health is used to determine win or loss.Only strategic placement allows you to clear 3 stars![Weekly 100,000 won]One-touch operation allows you to survive between protesters flocking from both directions.Over time, the difficulty level will be adjusted as follows. -Increased the type of protesters generated -Increased movement speed of protesters -Reduce waiting time for creationThe lunch box generated in the field must be eaten in gaps, so that the weight gauge does not run out.In hard mode, the enemys initial speed and spawn speed are fast.[Do not expect to avoid]Receive an idea competition.